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We look forward to hearing from you!
By Appointment Only!
24 hour cancellation policy: All appointments that are not cancelled within 24 hours of scheduled appointment are subject to charge of 50% of total service scheduled.
Heart of the Dove
Westford Custom Floors Bld.
254 Littleton Road
Westford, MA 01886
Legal Disclaimer
The material provided by this website is intended to be informational only and not to be construed as medical advise. Services provided by Heart of the Dove and Affiliate Practitioners are not to be used as a substitute for professional medical, financial, legal or psychiatric care. Please consult appropriate healthcare professionals if you are dealing with any acute or chronic health condition. Heart of the Dove and Affiliate Practitioners are not responsible for your choices and decisions you make by visiting or using any of the services offered at Heart of the Dove in regards to your finances, medical care, legal circumstances, careers, or personal or professional life in anyway. Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian and a parental consent form is required for any services provided to minors at Heart of the Dove.